Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day Twenty-two (Week Four!)

Today's Weight: 149.0

Ahh, I'm still playing with the same range of pounds that I have been for the last week and a half or so. It's really frustrating, especially because I have been very good and haven't cheated once! I was really hoping that my body wouldn't catch onto what was going on until after I'd lost a bunch... so much for that, haha. It's so typical of my body to do this, I guess I'm just disappointed.

I've also been craving CHOCOLATE/crunchy salty (read: potato chips)/anything bad for me. I'm pretty sure this is an indicator that TOM is around the corner, but it has really made today miserable and I have been agitated because of it. My family is known for always being stocked up with exactly those kinds of treats too, so I have to spend my day staring at cupboards where I know the goodies are and yet resist them. Cravings are so frustrating! I suppose it didn't help that today was a pure protein day, so I felt even more restricted than usual.

I also had a pretty big appetite for some reason today, so I ate more than I typically do and had a snack mid-afternoon. I suppose it was my way of eating something and satisfying that need instead of stuffing myself on the chocolate chip cookies on the counter... don't think I didn't seriously contemplate it ;)

I really need my body to cut it out already. It's been three weeks! I really want that ten pound mini-goal in my rear-view mirror and start working on the next one already.


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