Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day Twenty-three

Today's Weight: 147.8lbs
Total Weight Loss to Date: 10.8lbs

I seriously couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I hopped onto the scale. I dropped 1.2 pounds from the day before! After all of my frustration yesterday, cravings, and all around discouragement, this was awesome and just the push that I needed to keep going. I finally hit my mini-goal of officially losing 10 pounds, and not only that, I almost made it to 11 pounds!

To celebrate I went out for a much needed pedicure. I might have to come up with different rewards as I go along and my weight loss slows down even more. Either the mini-goals will take too long, or they'll come up too quickly to justify getting the same thing done. I'll have to think about it! Nice thing to ponder though... I'm so excited this is working!

I had hoped to get down to around 135lbs again before heading back to college as that was around the weight that I was last year before starting, but I'm wondering if I will be able to make it in time. I have about 7 weeks until classes start again so it might be a possibility yet! I mean, I managed to lose almost 11 pounds in three weeks, granted a little over a week of that was Attack... we shall see. My body always gets extremely reluctant to drop weight the lower I weigh.

Today turned out to be a pretty good day, especially since I was feeling a lot more confident that this was still working. It was a veggie day, so I had chicken meatballs with Walden Farms alfredo sauce and bell peppers, then for dinner we went out to dinner and I had a small salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing, a steak( without all of the sauces and requested it not to be cooked in butter), and asparagus. Hopefully I made all of the corrections necessary to make everything Dukan-friendly! I also had my gallette as "dessert" afterward. The meal was very good though and I was full and satisfied by the end of it. I always feel better after veggie days, it's the pure protein ones that get me. I guess those are the ones where I feel the most deprived. I like to have a variety of flavors and textures to munch on!

Anyway, another pure protein day to tackle tomorrow!


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