Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 41 (PP)

Today's Weight: 143.0lbs, 0.8lbs down from yesterday
Total Loss: 15.6lbs

Big loss even after a veggie day! Yes! My body is finally giving up and relinquishing some of the weight. I'm so excited and encouraged by this progress, it's incredible. Three more pounds and I'll be out of the 140's! I'm just concerned that my scale is going to hear me gloating and pull a stall to the whole process again, haha.

Today went well food-wise, even though I was kept fairly busy from the afternoon to evening. I ate an egg salad for breakfast, and tri-tip roast for lunch/dinner. I ended up kind of skipping dinner since I didn't get home until late, but that was okay because I wasn't really hungry after all.

 My mom and I embarked on a mission to find an acceptable comforter with some green in it, since the room I will be moving into at my university in a month is painted kind of a mint green. I had originally planned to repaint it, but I really haven't had that much time/will-power to make myself do it, so I decided to just try to roll with it and incorporate it into my color scheme. Who knew a "pretty" comforter with green in it was so difficult to find? We eventually, after four hours of running around and getting frustrated with the selections, decided on a very pretty lavender comforter with some decorative pillows that have lavender flowers and green stems to tie in all of the colors. The contrast should end up being very pretty! Whew! At least that is all figured out, haha.

Here's hoping for another great scale day. I did a lot of walking today, so that should be good for something!


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