Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day Twenty-six

Today's Weight: 147.0lbs
Result: 0.2lb gain

I can't say I'm surprised that I gained a little this morning. I always seem to after very active days, plus yesterday was a veggie day so that usually makes me gain a little the next morning. I have to say I'm a little bummed that my loss slowed down, even though I knew it would, but I'm still so encouraged by the last few days that it's not discouraging in the least!

I spent today helping move a bunch of crap out of storage closets, hidden cupboards, rooms we ignored while living there, etc from our old house. Again. And probably will for the rest of my weekend! It really is crazy how much junk a family can store up in the period of 15 years with little impact until you actually have to move all of it. We're in the process of filling up a huuuge dumpster, not to mention multiple Goodwill trips, in an attempt to consolidate and be done with all of it! Easier said than done when it's just me and my Dad trying to get a massive boudoir down a narrow flight of stairs... I've discovered that a career in a movers business is probably not a good fit for me ;)...

Today went well food-wise. It was a pure protein day, so I had steak strips and chicken meatballs with Walden Farms alfredo sauce (yum) for lunch, and eggs/chicken sausage/my gallette for dinner tonight. I had large portions of each so I felt quite satisfied by my intake for the day. I also made sure to drink more water than usual since I've been running up and down stairs, carrying things arguably half my weight or more, and tossing things into a dumpster outside in the heat.

I'm really happy in the difference I'm seeing in my clothes though. I'm fitting into a pair of older jeans, I'm watching my 140's slowly decrease, and overall just excited for what results I will see even a week from now. Since Fall Term is still about six weeks away, I can't imagine the more drastic changes that will happen from now to then. My friends from my university will be shocked! In a good way, of course.

Off to fall into a coma now...


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