Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 91 (PV) --Finally an update!

Today's Weight: 128.6lbs, loss of 6.8lbs in the last about eleven days!!!
Total Loss: Officially hit the 30lbs loss milestone!

Wow, it has been way too long since I have posted on here! I haven't fallen off the wagon or anything like that, (obviously, since my body has been SHOCKING me with it's dramatic drops over the last week or so), but I'm buried in schoolwork already! I had my first midterm last week that I was completely stressed out over.

I mentioned before about how I was struggling to find alternatives to snacking as a stress-reliever, but over the last week or two my body has just shut off its hungry switch for the most part which is really helping with any cravings. I'm not sure if it's as a direct result of stress or not, or if it's because I've been so busy lately that eating has been a second or third thought on my mind rather than what I think about all the time, but I'll take it!

I'm so excited that after my frustrating September when the scales didn't seem to budge at all that I'm finally having these dramatic results. It feels great! I'm looking and feeling so much better and all of my friends here can notice it as well. Also as a bonus, I've begun dating a really nice guy from some of my classes so that is fun to look forward to! Thankfully he's really understanding about me having to eat quite a bit differently than he does, as his diet consists of primarily rice and pasta... guys and their ridiculous metabolisms.

So that's my quick and dirty update! I hope everyone who reads this is doing well and staying on track! Hopefully I'll be able to check in more often than every couple of weeks.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 80 (PP) Into Week 12!

Monday's Weight: 136.0 lbs, 1.0lb gain from previous day
Tuesday's Weight: 135.8lbs, 0.2lb loss from previous day
Today's Weight: 135.4lbs, 0.4lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 23.2lbs

Yaay! I'm not too upset with the pound gain on Monday since I'd had such a dramatic loss the day before, and the last few days have just been working themselves down to that new low once again. I've almost hit it again!

This week has been difficult to stay on plan, especially because of the people who eat around me. It's really hard to be in a study group, stressed out, and not be able to eat all of the snacks that are around because they aren't on plan... but they look sooooo good! What got me into this mess in the first place, at least partially, was indulging in food last year during the terms when I would get super stressed as a sort of release and calming method. I can't do that this year, so I'm having difficulty finding other things to help myself unwind and relax instead of my usual chocolate anything and potato chips... Terrible to watch people eat what you're craving!

Other than that, my eating has been pretty spot on. I've been having a little bit of fun with cooking recently, so I've been experimenting with stir fry's, omelets, lettuce-as-bun sandwiches, etc. Of course being careful to stick to the 1:1 ratio of veggies days to protein days...

I ate a pretty big lunch and dinner tonight, for some reason I've had a really big appetite recently! I wonder if it's because I'm a lot more active now that I have to bike at least two miles a day to get to and from campus than I was during the summer... Oh well! As long as I keep seeing losses, I suppose it doesn't really matter! :)

Hope you all are doing fantastically and your scales are behaving nicely for you!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 77 (PV)

Friday's Weight: 139.6lbs, 2.4 gain from Thursday
Saturday's Weight: 137.2lbs, back to previous low and loss of 2.4lbs again
Today's Weight: 135.0lbs!! Loss of 2.2lbs for a new low!
Total Loss: 23.6lbs!

I seriously have not been able to believe my eyes with the numbers my scale has been throwing at me. First there was that HUGE gain a couple days ago, and now that huge loss to hit a fantastic new low!! I was wanting to hit 135lbs before last week when classes started up again so that I'd be officially lower than when I came to school yesterday, but I'll take it a week late! Also, I have now reached one of my mini-goals of finally being under 136lbs, so I am no longer considered overweight for my height! Yaaay!

I was so relieved to finally see a big drop. September was such a frustrating month loss-wise and I probably only really lost about 4 or 5lbs after it was all said and done. This month is definitely off with a great start!

Gotta go get cracking on some work for classes, but just had to share my exciting news. Since today was a veggie day, I made myself a pretty big omelet with sauteed veggies and chicken sausage! Yumm... Whenever I experiment with food I have interesting weigh-in days the next day, though... Hopefully that doesn't happen tomorrow!
