Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 80 (PP) Into Week 12!

Monday's Weight: 136.0 lbs, 1.0lb gain from previous day
Tuesday's Weight: 135.8lbs, 0.2lb loss from previous day
Today's Weight: 135.4lbs, 0.4lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 23.2lbs

Yaay! I'm not too upset with the pound gain on Monday since I'd had such a dramatic loss the day before, and the last few days have just been working themselves down to that new low once again. I've almost hit it again!

This week has been difficult to stay on plan, especially because of the people who eat around me. It's really hard to be in a study group, stressed out, and not be able to eat all of the snacks that are around because they aren't on plan... but they look sooooo good! What got me into this mess in the first place, at least partially, was indulging in food last year during the terms when I would get super stressed as a sort of release and calming method. I can't do that this year, so I'm having difficulty finding other things to help myself unwind and relax instead of my usual chocolate anything and potato chips... Terrible to watch people eat what you're craving!

Other than that, my eating has been pretty spot on. I've been having a little bit of fun with cooking recently, so I've been experimenting with stir fry's, omelets, lettuce-as-bun sandwiches, etc. Of course being careful to stick to the 1:1 ratio of veggies days to protein days...

I ate a pretty big lunch and dinner tonight, for some reason I've had a really big appetite recently! I wonder if it's because I'm a lot more active now that I have to bike at least two miles a day to get to and from campus than I was during the summer... Oh well! As long as I keep seeing losses, I suppose it doesn't really matter! :)

Hope you all are doing fantastically and your scales are behaving nicely for you!



  1. Sure, increase in activity will make you hungrier! Good for you resisting snacks during tempting times ... it does get easier, I find. At least for me the first few times I said "no, thanks" were the hardest. then I sort of got used to it ...

  2. You're totally right Moonday, the more I've been saying no the easier it has been getting. Plus everyone around me is finally catching on to the fact that I'm not going to eat all of that stuff!
