Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 74 (PP)

Yesterday's Weight: 137.4lbs, loss of 0.2lbs from previous day and back down to previous low
Today's Weight: 137.4lbs, loss of 0.2lbs again from yesterday.
Total Loss: 21.2lbs

Woo-hoo! The last few days have had very marginal weight loss, but it's still loss all the same and I'll take it. I've been eating quite a lot yesterday and today, mainly because I haven't been able to fit in breakfast before I rush out the door to go to classes... I know that's terrible, but sleep has become a rare commodity again and my body is already punishing me for it. So with my crazy class schedule, it's generally around 4pm-5pm when I finally get home and could pretty much eat whatever is in the fridge... case in point: tonight.

I got home from classes this afternoon and had some steak strips with Walden Farms BBQ sauce (AMAZING, by the way), which was fine but I wasn't completely satisfied... about three hours later I made myself breakfast for dinner with chicken sausage and scrambled eggs! Granted it was three sausages and four eggs all mixed together.... Hmm. But supposedly, the more you eat, the more you lose! So I'm hoping my rather flagrant pig-outs, especially since they were all completely on-plan, won't affect my loss badly in the morning.

I suppose I go through phases: sometimes I eat quite a lot, other times I eat very little... I wonder if that's common.

Fingers crossed for a big drop soon! I'd love to get my rate of loss back up again.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 72 (PP) --Into Week 11!

 Sunday's Weight: 138.6, loss of 0.6lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 137.4lbs, loss of 1.2lbs!!
Today's Weight: 137.6lbs, gain of 0.2lbs
Total Loss: 21 lbs!

 Hey guys, I haven't disappeared, given up, or stopped blogging! I've been crazy busy with trying to get all of my classes figured out and trying to get a handle on my homework load. I'm not entirely convinced that I have it all figured out yet, but a post was long-overdue!

I was SO encouraged by my weight yesterday! I finally had that major drop of a little over a pound that I had been waiting forever for, so that was super nice. I had a little gain today, but I kinda expected that since I'd had a veggie day yesterday.My eating has been completely on-plan so far and I've been getting a ton of exercise biking all over the place and hauling my heavy backpack along with me. Stress is definitely getting to me already, but at least I'm being active!

Short post tonight, but I've got an 8am class in the morning that I really need some sleep to be mentally awake for, so I'm off to bed! But I just want to thank all of you who read this and are rooting for me! Let me know how you guys are doing too! I'd love to hear stories of what everyone deals with :)


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 69 (PV)

Today's Weight: 139.4lbs, 1lb gain from yesterday (but does this count as it was with a different scale than I typically use?)
Total Loss: Back to 19.2lbs
I'm seriously getting discouraged with this. This entire month I've really been playing with the same range of weight with no "real" progress made. I've even tried some Attack days but my scale hasn't budged even the tiniest bit within the last few! In fact, I've been steadily gaining for the last few. 

This is so frustrating because it kills my motivation and makes it that much more difficult for me to stay on plan when people around me are eating different things. I'm living with one girl who is also on Dukan now, and one who is not, so it makes for an interesting variety of foods that are around the house. I'm really just missing the elation at getting some losses and watching the trend go steadily downward.

My typical daily meals consist of low-sodium turkey, chicken/turkey/salmon burgers from Costco, chicken meatballs, steak, salmon, and mainly bell peppers as a vegetable. I try to keep my sodium to a minimum, but I probably haven't been as stellar about my water intake (still!) as I should be. I've also recently begun taking fiber in the mornings in pill-form to help out with my constipation issues, but I'm still kinda waiting for that to work =/.

Today I finally just decided to have a veggie day as a bunch of my friends and I were going out to eat after the football game and I wanted a little more variety. I had grilled zucchini, steamed broccoli, and a steak without the sauce, so I feel pretty good about my choices. There's just no way for me to know the sodium content or anything like that, so I'm half scared that the scale will be cruel once again in the morning...

Help! Have any of you had incredibly long plateau's? And what have you guys done that has been successful for breaking out of them?


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 68 (PP)

Today's Weight: 138.4lbs, no change
Total Loss: 20.2lbs

Well that was kind of disappointing that my weight didn't change at all from the day before, but I'm trying not to over think it too much. It's especially disappointing since I've been mainly doing only protein days since Monday, with the exception of Wednesday, and I really haven't seen any dramatic loss. Ugh.

Today was my official move-in day at my University and I have to say that I think it went pretty well. I still have a bit of unpacking to do, but overall most of the stuff that I need is here. Minus a few odds and ends that I've forgotten, luckily nothing that I can't live without for the time being.

Short post tonight because it's been an incredibly long day and tomorrow will be crazy because I'm going to the football game! Hopefully I actually see a loss in the morning, it's a bit iffy since this scale isn't the typical one I've been using... fingers crossed!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 67 (PP)

Today's Weight: 138.4lbs, GAIN of 0.4lbs from yesterday
Total Loss: 20.2lbs

Grr, I was hoping I was just being pessimistic yesterday about thinking I'd have a gain after eating veggies. Sigh. I've been trying to drink more water and take fiber in an attempt to flush things out, but so far no great success on that front either.

On the bright side, I had a fairly good time with my friend today and we did a little shopping to help me stock up on some last minute makeup necessities before going back. Conversation was a little stilted, not quite sure why, but we did end up talking about our very different styles of eating and how we've been feeling with it. She finally straight up asked what my weight currently is, and I think she was a little surprised to hear that I'm pretty close to where she's at.

I'm a little discouraged with my rate of loss this month. A month ago, on my birthday, I was 144.8lbs. So that means that in the last month, I've really only lost about 6.4lbs instead of the 10lbs per month rate that I was hoping for. I'm happy for any loss really, even 6 pounds has made a dramatic difference, but I can't help but wish for it to pick back up again!

Still continuing on my Attack blitz for now. I can't decide, since I technically interrupted it for a veggie day yesterday, if I should extend it a little longer and make Monday my first veggie day... hmm... decisions. I guess that will be determined by the scale this weekend!

I'm  also officially moving the rest of my stuff down to the house at my University and staying there as of tomorrow afternoon... I'm nervous for classes to start and doing all of this on my own without the support of my family always there... I'm really going to miss them.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 66 (Day 56 of Cruise Phase, PP, Halfway point of Dukan estimation of 113 days on Cruise))

Yesterday's Weight: 138.4lbs, 0.4lb loss from day before, officially pass 20lb loss mini-goal!!
Today's Weight: 138.0lbs, 0.4lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 20.6lbs!

Woo-hoo! Finally, finally got past that hurdle of losing 20 pounds. I'm so psyched that I'm finally having some losses, despite the fact that they aren't that impressive in and of themselves. But hey, I'll take consistent loss over the frustrating stalls and gains of daily fluctuations! Apologies for not posting yesterday, for some reason my internet connection decided to play a frustrating game of cat-and-mouse right when I was attempting to post.

I had decided to do a 5-day Attack as a last minute blitz before I start back at my University, but that was derailed tonight as my family ended up taking me out to dinner as a nice send-off and I really couldn't say no to the grilled asparagus. Not really concerned about it though, I can just continue to do some more pure protein days, I just hope I don't see a gain in the morning because of the veggies I ate tonight. I've also reduced my oat bran to one and a half tablespoons again, just to see if that helps shift my body out of its complacency with bigger losses. I had to watch the rest of my family eat decadent-looking Lava Cakes, so it'd better have been worth it to abstain ;)

I have to say I'm impressed with this diet so far though, setbacks and all. At the halfway point of my prediction, I'm pretty much halfway through how much I need to lose according to the Dukan predictions of my "true weight". Granted I want to lose a few pounds more than what the site recommended for me, but I have made so much progress in the two months since I started that I can't wait to see where I will be in the next two months!

Lately I have been able to dip into the small sections when I'm shopping... I'm still not completely able to buy that size, but I'm getting there for sure. That makes me so excited, I can definitely tell that eating this way has preserved my muscle mass and is just getting rid of the fat, because I am looking a lot more lean at this weight than I have at any lower weight that I've achieved before. Crazy!

Good thoughts for tomorrow! Hanging out with my competitive friend tomorrow for the last time before making the move back to my university town. Hopefully that goes smoothly.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 64 (PP) Start of Week 10!

Today's Weight: 138.8lbs, 0.4lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 19.8lbs!

Once again, I'm back at the same weight that I was a week ago. Pretty frustrating to see that I really haven't lost anything, but it's nice to finally have hit that number again on the scale. Also, I weighed in on the scale that I have at my place at my University and not the one I have been using in my hometown, so that may have had something to do with it!

Yesterday and today were very busy days as far as getting ready and moved in for classes. I unpacked a lot of stuff today, got the textbooks that I need and holy chicago they are heavy, as well as got tickets with a bunch of my friends to go see the football game on Saturday! This will be my first student game since I didn't go to any last year, and I'm actually really psyched for it. I did TONS of walking/carrying today, so I definitely got my cardio in. I'm hoping that shows good results for tomorrow!

I also managed to resist all of the goodies available on campus. All the freshman are pouring into the dorms this week, so in the quad they were giving out free pizza, chips, pop, you name it! Thankfully I had eaten enough for breakfast that I wasn't even really hungry for it or tempted at all. I completely resisted and I actually felt really proud of myself!

Another cool development is that the friend that I converted to this Dukan-lifestyle is going to be my new roommate! She got to spend some time with my other roomie/best friend down there last night and today and thankfully they're both thinking that they will get along and will have a good dynamic, so it looks like it's all going to work out! Later this week we're all going to go do some shopping and look for some stuff to pretty up our rooms and such.

I'm pretty much exhausted at this point, so I'll end it here. I can feel classes getting close to starting and it's freaking me out! At least I won't have so much time to focus on how fast, or slow, this weight loss is going!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 63 (PV)

Today's Weight: 139.2lbs, 0.2lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 19.4lbs

Kind of a pathetic loss, but still a loss nonetheless! It's discouraging though, since I hit this weight a week ago for the first time, and as such, I basically haven't lost anything this week. So frustrating! I've begun taking some fiber in hopes that it will help my digestive system move things along, since it hasn't been so stellar at regulating that on its own. Hopefully that will help out! I also seriously need to step up my water-intake, I've been quite lazy about that recently.

I'm posting a little earlier than usual today since I'm headed back to my university for a day to do a preliminary move-in with all of the stuff that I won't really need for this week. Classes start a week from tomorrow, and I really don't want to be moving in and trying to unpack the night before classes start like I did last year! I'm also planning on getting my school books ahead of time at the bookstore, and meeting up with a bunch of my friends to try and get some student tickets to the Football game on Saturday. Should be a lot of fun!

I'm not sure how my weight will go tomorrow, since I'll be weighing with a different scale and I'm not sure how that one is calibrated compared to the one I have here... I guess we'll see!


Day 62 (PP) --Official Two Months On Diet!

Today's Weight: 139.4, 0.4lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 19.2lbs

Finally seeing more of a downward trend, even if it is only in tiny increments. I was concerned that since yesterday was a veggie day I would gain today, but thankfully that didn't happen! I think I would have chucked my scale out the window, or something equally threatening. I really just want to see some major loss here soon.
My TOM still hasn't shown up, despite the fact that I'm having all of the symptoms. It's really very annoying, I'd like to just get it over with so that we can get the show on the road!

In highly amusing news, my competitive and vegan friend informed me today that she has been dieting and exercising over the last week or so and has finally broken past her plateau to 133something pounds. Ha! I'm close to what she weighs and I'm so amused that she's nervous about me weighing less than her now. It's somewhat annoying at the same time that she can't stand the thought of me being skinnier for once, but whatever. She's not exactly going about it in a healthy way either, she's limiting herself to only fruits and vegetable smoothies with light snacks in between. This doesn't sound healthy at all to me, which makes it highly ironic considering how wary she was of me being on the Dukan diet! Hmm, that probably sounds catty of me.

My new goal? Beat her at her own game, (a little friendly competition never hurt anybody, right?), and continue the journey to my goal and hopefully get there before she does. Even though she's got a head start of me by about 6 pounds, I don't see her method lasting long term or being that effective once she starts incorporating real food back into her diet.

Had a good protein only day today, so fingers crossed for a nice loss tomorrow!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 61 (PV)

Today's Weight: 139.8lbs, 0.4lb loss from yesterday but still 1lb up from last low
Total Loss: 18.8lbs

Grr, my weight has been so messed up ever since I went camping. I just can't seem to get past this dumb plateau and back to the great losing streak that I was having. My stomach is also killing me with cramps, even though TOM has yet to show up. Plus I'm bloated. All in all, I'm not having a great Dukan week. This doesn't mean that I'm quitting by any means, it's just discouraging and frustrating at this point. I'm happy that I had a loss today, but because I weighed lower last week I'm not thrilled. I want to start charting new weight territory again!

I had another veggie day today, so I'm pretty concerned that tomorrow will be another day of gain on the scale. I did well though and had chicken meatballs for lunch, and then chicken burgers, mini bell peppers, and cucumbers for dinner. I made my little greek yogurt/oat bran/walden farms flavorings as a make-shift dessert thing as well. I probably should have been better about drinking more liquids today, though.

I ended up walking around a lot today doing some prep work for going back to my University. I still have so much to get done, but I'm just finding myself reluctant to even think about going back, much less actually do things to prepare for it.

Gah. Motivation, where are you? I was really hoping to hit the 20lbs lost mark by Sunday, as that is the official date that I've been on this way of eating for two months! I suppose I still have a chance to make it... one more pound!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 60 (PP)

Yesterday's Weight: 139.8lbs, 0.2 loss from the day before
Today's Weight: 140.2lbs, 0.4lb gain from yesterday, 1.4lbs up from last "low"

Well I'm frustrated... Yesterday seemed like I was finally sorta on my way back down again, had a pretty good eating day with veggies, but then had yet another gain this morning. I've been feeling really bloated and icky so I can tell that TOM is right around the corner and should happen any day now, but I'm discouraged. I guess I really need to just ignore what the scale is telling me for the next week or so, but still keep track of it for future months to see what kind of stuff my body does when its hormones are all messed up.

Had a pretty simple meal of mostly chicken today, I was starving when I ate so I had a bit more than usual but I'm hoping against hope that it will be a good day tomorrow and have a loss!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 58 (PP)

Today's Weight: 140.0lbs, GAIN of 1.2lbs from yesterday
Total Loss: back to 18.6lbs

Gah! I should know better than to gloat too much, I swear my body and scale can hear it and conspire against me. I think I've mentioned this before, so I'm pretty sure it's becoming a concrete theory. Yeah, that's it. The only explanation I could come up with is that I've been eating lots of eggs lately because it's practically the only thing that my Dad wants to eat lately, (he's on this too and is quite picky about his food choices), and we added some sausage yesterday that we thought was okay but has lots of sodium in it.

Seriously hate fluctuations. I was hoping never to see the 140's again! Oh well, picking up and moving on. Just need to keep eating really well so that I can re-lose those pounds and even more to take me firmly into the 130's. Grrr.

On a bright note, my bestie from my University is coming over tomorrow to go to a concert with me and crash at my place for the night. I'm so excited because the plans were made completely last minute and I haven't seen her all summer! I think she's going to be really shocked at my transformation so far and my hair change. Because of this I probably won't be able to post, but I'll be back the next day.

Seriously body, give up and let me lose the weight I need to already...


Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 57 (PV) Start of Week 9!!

Today's Weight: 138.8lbs, 0.4lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 19.8lbs!!

Yay, another pretty decent loss today to really knock me into the 30's. 0.2lbs more and I will officially have hit my mini-goal of losing 20 pounds! I still haven't figured out a different reward for it this time. For ten pounds I treated myself to a pedicure, but I'm not sure what I want to do for 20!

Also, another really cool thing, I tried on my really cute pair of jeans that I have been trying on periodically to see if I would fit into them....and they fit again! I'm so excited, especially since I found out yesterday that the pair of jeans I'd been wearing all the time had developed a hole! Not so upset about that anymore since I can now wear my cute ones. They're still a little tight and it's not like I would be comfortable running around and doing aerobics in them without concern of them giving me a muffin top, but they fit better now than when I finally gave up and quit wearing them!

I'm so encouraged. Note to future stagnated self: this really does work, just be patient. Easy to say now, TOM should be showing up within the next few days and I'm not really looking forward to the stall that will put on my loss.

Side note: It's football season!!! I've watched 4 games since Thursday, I think that's probably sad in some way. But I'm so excited to have it back.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 56 (PP)

Today's Weight: 139.2lbs!!! 0.8lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 19.4lbs!

And then it's mornings like today that make me feel silly for complaining so much. I finally broke into the 130's, and a solid break at that! I'm close to my losing 20 lbs mini-goal! I was really nervous to see what the number was this morning and basically peeked at it, as if squinting at it makes the number any less painful, and then was elated at the new low! Okay body, let's keep up the good work ;)

Today went well, minus having to watch people eat tons of potato chips, chocolate cake, cookies, and fresh saltwater taffy right in front of me at lunch. My brother was even enough of a punk to wave the bowl of potato chips underneath my nose in an attempt to tease me. If only it didn't all smell so good.... But I was a perfect little "dukaner" and stuck to my slices of roast, and I didn't even have veggies to help ease the pain because it was a protein day! Ugh! Anyway, later on for dinner I heated up a couple chicken burgers and made my gallette. I like spacing my meals out in the day, since it gives me something to look forward to.

That's pretty much it! I'm headed home from the beach tomorrow which will be nice. I love it here, but I'm ready to be back home.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 55 (PV)

Today's Weight: 140.0lbs, 0.2 loss from yesterday
Result: 18.6lbs lost so far

No, I am seriously not kidding that I weighed right at 140 today. I so knew that was going to happen to me! I mean a loss is a loss, but for the last couple weeks I've been itching to break out of this set of digits. Argh.

I'm also nervous to see if I'll actually manage it tomorrow or not, or if I will have a gain. Today was my mom's birthday, so we went out to her favorite restaurant. I got a new york steak, but they weren't very accommodating as far as substitutions and modifications to the items on the menu and I have concerns about how it was prepared when it was all said and done. Oh, and by the way, since when does "gourmet scallops" mean DEEP FRIED in beer batter? What the heck??

I had to watch my family eat this decadent-looking chocolate fudgey goodness cake for dessert, and even though I was practically dying inside at this point, I managed to resist. I did however have a sugar-free hot cocoa tonight, which I'm hoping is okay. It's the first time I've experimented with something like that, so I'm hoping it doesn't affect the scales adversely. Also, I've been having a lot of eggs recently which I seem to remember reading may slow down weight loss by quite a bit if eaten too much. I should cut back on that and see if that helps! They're just so easy and convenient to prepare...

I ended up with quite a bit of exercise today, though. My family and I went down to the beach to sit and watch the waves and my brother challenged me to a race. Never one to back down from an opportunity to beat him, I accepted but then realized he was talking about the end point being over a mile away at the beginning of a huge cliff-like thing toward the end of the beach. Ugh. I ran/walked/panted my way there only to have him beat me (dang boy has too long of legs for this shortie) and then we did some exploring and "ran" back. I've got to get into better shape so that I can beat him next time!

 Suffice to say, today was difficult motivation-wise. I have GOT to have a good loss tomorrow or I think I will chuck my scale into the ocean.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 54 (PP)

Today's Weight: 140.2lbs, a loss of 0.2lb from yesterday
Result: 18.4lbs lost

I can practically hear my sadistic body laughing at me. I was sooo hoping to be out of the 140's today, but nooo. It had to give me a tantalizing 0.2lb loss so that I'm still waiting to break out of them. I may just scream tomorrow if something similar happens to  put me square at 140, but I suppose I should just be thankful for anything that isn't a gain. Boo. Difficult to be optimistic when you're so frustrated. It's taken me a week to recover from the gain after camping! I was really hoping to be at least around 135 before having to go back to my university...

In cool news however, I have converted one of my friends and her mom to start on the Dukan Diet! I hung out with her for a while earlier in the week and she watched what I ate and peppered me with questions, apparently went out to buy the book, and has been reading up on it and stocking the fridge in order to start! She texted me today with the news and I'm just so excited that seeing my results was enough to make her want to try this! She's going to try a ten day Attack Phase just like I did, so I'm psyched to see how much she loses with that initial burst. How fun! She also might need a place to stay at school and move in with me and my current roommate. That would be so awesome to have another person doing this way of eating and living with me! Talk about built-in support network!

I tried a new type of chicken sausage today and realized afterwards that it had a somewhat high sodium content... Why do I always notice these things AFTER I eat them?? I don't think that it actually had enough to have an adverse affect on my weight in the morning... at least I sure hope it doesn't. That would crush me if tomorrow is a gain instead of that final push to knock me into the 130's, but I guess I will see what happens! It'll probably be one of those mornings where I peek at the scale to see the number quickly, as if that makes it any less painful.

Think thin, think thin!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 53 (PV)

Today's Weight: 140.4lbs, 1lb loss from yesterday!
Total Loss: 18.2lbs

Yaay, finally saw some progress on the scale today with a pound difference, finally dropping me officially below my previous low before heading on the camping trip. I'm sooo close to breaking out of the 140's! I'm actually daring to hope that it might happen tomorrow, even though I had a veggie day today. Despite having to re-lose some pounds, I've still be dropping consistently over the last few days which is pretty encouraging.

I had a big breakfast/lunch today of eggs (I seem to be eating a lot of those recently. Maybe because they're easy?), two chicken burgers, my gallette, a spinach salad, and a couple mini bell peppers. This made me feel completely stuffed for the rest of the day, so I didn't really feel inclined to have a snack this evening. I also walked around a bunch today trying to help my mom pick out some clothes for my Dad to get her for her birthday. Hopefully that can count as my daily exercise!

I ended up finding two really great coats that will help me stay dry when I'm out and about in the rain when I have to go back to my University in a few weeks. I'm really trying to bury my head in the sand about the fact that I have to start all of the hard work that goes along with it so soon. I've definitely been getting used to the laziness and simplicity of summer. I was so burnt out after the last few years of school that I really needed all of this time to recharge, it's just now that summer is coming to a close I'm not sure if I got enough down time even still! Gah. I also had all of the aspirations of pre-studying for the classes I'm most worried about this year so that I won't completely drown in confusion in the first couple weeks... did that actually end up happening? Not a bit! Dang. And I'm usually so on top of this stuff.

Oh well, I've been focusing on doing what's good for my body instead of stressing myself out like crazy for once and it has felt good. I'll deal with school starting up again when it's like the day before classes start. I'm a pro at the whole ostrich-mentality: if I can't see it, it can't see me.

Hoping for a new set of digits in the morning! Fingers crossed.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 52 (PP)

Tuesday (yesterday's) Weight: 142.0 lbs (0.4lbs down from Monday)
Today's Weight: 141.4lbs
Result: finally 0.2lbs down from my lowest weight last week before camping

Man, I really hate plateau's. I can't believe that the sodium in those imitation crab sticks that I ate for a snack while camping had such an effect on my weight for the last week. I've basically spent this whole time just trying to recover from that. I'm not positive that was what happened, but I'm pretty sure since I'd never had them before and everything else I ate wasn't out of the normal. Sigh...

I've had a very busy last couple of days, full of friends dropping in since they're in the area and staying for a long time, swimming, tanning, and now I just settled into a beach house where I will be for the next 5 days or so while my family celebrates my mom's birthday. Funnily, or pathetically, I made sure to bring my bathroom scale with me so that I can keep track of my weight since I'm now paranoid of what will happen if I don't track it every day. I'm hoping to see some real progress over the next few days and finally say "sayonara" to the 140's and start cracking on the 130's. That would be so awesome, I only have a little more than a pound until that's a reality! 

I think I'm planning to talk a walk on the beach tomorrow morning when I wake up to get in some daily exercise... shaping up to be a good day! Eating has been on plan and no slip-ups. Today I ate a large brunch of eggs, steak, and my gallette which kept me pretty full until early in the evening, at which point I had some low-sodium turkey deli meat since it was convenient and I didn't feeling like fussing with food. 

Hoping for a good number in the morning!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 50 (PP) Start of Week 8!

Weight morning after returning from camping: 143.0, gain of 1.4lbs (what the what?)
Today's Weight: 142.4
Conclusion: Vacations suck for this diet.

So I have to make this blog post pretty short as it's going to be an early morning, plus a busy week, but I'm so frustrated that I gained while away camping. I was perfect and I'm not even exaggerating. I didn't eat any of the junk lying around, didn't drink when everyone kept asking me to, and definitely did NOT eat the s'more that I was asked to pass to someone else. Grrr. The only thing I can think of is that I ate some imitation crab sticks (read that they were okay) but they are extremely high in sodium.... apparently my body is very sensitive to that.

Anyway, I'm back on the downward trend but I'm so frustrated that I had a setback. I was really hoping to break into the 130s by the time I got home =/.

Oh well, gotta keep trucking along! Hopefully tomorrow will be a good scale morning. I need one!
