Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 66 (Day 56 of Cruise Phase, PP, Halfway point of Dukan estimation of 113 days on Cruise))

Yesterday's Weight: 138.4lbs, 0.4lb loss from day before, officially pass 20lb loss mini-goal!!
Today's Weight: 138.0lbs, 0.4lb loss from yesterday
Total Loss: 20.6lbs!

Woo-hoo! Finally, finally got past that hurdle of losing 20 pounds. I'm so psyched that I'm finally having some losses, despite the fact that they aren't that impressive in and of themselves. But hey, I'll take consistent loss over the frustrating stalls and gains of daily fluctuations! Apologies for not posting yesterday, for some reason my internet connection decided to play a frustrating game of cat-and-mouse right when I was attempting to post.

I had decided to do a 5-day Attack as a last minute blitz before I start back at my University, but that was derailed tonight as my family ended up taking me out to dinner as a nice send-off and I really couldn't say no to the grilled asparagus. Not really concerned about it though, I can just continue to do some more pure protein days, I just hope I don't see a gain in the morning because of the veggies I ate tonight. I've also reduced my oat bran to one and a half tablespoons again, just to see if that helps shift my body out of its complacency with bigger losses. I had to watch the rest of my family eat decadent-looking Lava Cakes, so it'd better have been worth it to abstain ;)

I have to say I'm impressed with this diet so far though, setbacks and all. At the halfway point of my prediction, I'm pretty much halfway through how much I need to lose according to the Dukan predictions of my "true weight". Granted I want to lose a few pounds more than what the site recommended for me, but I have made so much progress in the two months since I started that I can't wait to see where I will be in the next two months!

Lately I have been able to dip into the small sections when I'm shopping... I'm still not completely able to buy that size, but I'm getting there for sure. That makes me so excited, I can definitely tell that eating this way has preserved my muscle mass and is just getting rid of the fat, because I am looking a lot more lean at this weight than I have at any lower weight that I've achieved before. Crazy!

Good thoughts for tomorrow! Hanging out with my competitive friend tomorrow for the last time before making the move back to my university town. Hopefully that goes smoothly.



  1. Hi, I just added you to my Blogroll! Have a great start of the semester!!! Are you on a meal plan at your university or do you cook for yourself?

  2. Thanks so much! I actually live off campus, so I mainly cook for myself when I have the energy and motivation. I'm thinking I may be doing a lot of pre-made things as quick meals that I can pack for my lunches on campus and then actually spend time cooking something for dinner in the evenings. Last year was full of cheap, but terrible food choices!
