Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 67 (PP)

Today's Weight: 138.4lbs, GAIN of 0.4lbs from yesterday
Total Loss: 20.2lbs

Grr, I was hoping I was just being pessimistic yesterday about thinking I'd have a gain after eating veggies. Sigh. I've been trying to drink more water and take fiber in an attempt to flush things out, but so far no great success on that front either.

On the bright side, I had a fairly good time with my friend today and we did a little shopping to help me stock up on some last minute makeup necessities before going back. Conversation was a little stilted, not quite sure why, but we did end up talking about our very different styles of eating and how we've been feeling with it. She finally straight up asked what my weight currently is, and I think she was a little surprised to hear that I'm pretty close to where she's at.

I'm a little discouraged with my rate of loss this month. A month ago, on my birthday, I was 144.8lbs. So that means that in the last month, I've really only lost about 6.4lbs instead of the 10lbs per month rate that I was hoping for. I'm happy for any loss really, even 6 pounds has made a dramatic difference, but I can't help but wish for it to pick back up again!

Still continuing on my Attack blitz for now. I can't decide, since I technically interrupted it for a veggie day yesterday, if I should extend it a little longer and make Monday my first veggie day... hmm... decisions. I guess that will be determined by the scale this weekend!

I'm  also officially moving the rest of my stuff down to the house at my University and staying there as of tomorrow afternoon... I'm nervous for classes to start and doing all of this on my own without the support of my family always there... I'm really going to miss them.


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