Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 72 (PP) --Into Week 11!

 Sunday's Weight: 138.6, loss of 0.6lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 137.4lbs, loss of 1.2lbs!!
Today's Weight: 137.6lbs, gain of 0.2lbs
Total Loss: 21 lbs!

 Hey guys, I haven't disappeared, given up, or stopped blogging! I've been crazy busy with trying to get all of my classes figured out and trying to get a handle on my homework load. I'm not entirely convinced that I have it all figured out yet, but a post was long-overdue!

I was SO encouraged by my weight yesterday! I finally had that major drop of a little over a pound that I had been waiting forever for, so that was super nice. I had a little gain today, but I kinda expected that since I'd had a veggie day yesterday.My eating has been completely on-plan so far and I've been getting a ton of exercise biking all over the place and hauling my heavy backpack along with me. Stress is definitely getting to me already, but at least I'm being active!

Short post tonight, but I've got an 8am class in the morning that I really need some sleep to be mentally awake for, so I'm off to bed! But I just want to thank all of you who read this and are rooting for me! Let me know how you guys are doing too! I'd love to hear stories of what everyone deals with :)



  1. My scale is up again a pound today, too! What a bugger! And I didn't do anything wrong, not even a vegetable ;-) ...
    It's great to hear that so far you can maintain (or even improve) your lifestyle from summer. Have you gotten any comments on your weightloss from your fellow students?

  2. My scale was up 2.4 lbs yesterday! SO, SO frustrating! But it's back down 0.6 today. I've been being bad lately, so it shouldn't really surprise me .

  3. Moonday: Aw man, I hate it when that happens to me too! That's pretty much the worst. What keeps me from just chucking my scale out the window is knowing that it's just water weight.
    And yes, so far I have been able to maintain this plan even though I'm surrounded by temptation now! I've gotten lots of comments and people almost not recognizing me at first. Crazy stuff!

    Curt and Jamie: Ahhh, I've had that happen to me before! I'm sorry that happened, but don't get discouraged! Just hop back on the wagon and you'll see that drop right off again :)
