Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 69 (PV)

Today's Weight: 139.4lbs, 1lb gain from yesterday (but does this count as it was with a different scale than I typically use?)
Total Loss: Back to 19.2lbs
I'm seriously getting discouraged with this. This entire month I've really been playing with the same range of weight with no "real" progress made. I've even tried some Attack days but my scale hasn't budged even the tiniest bit within the last few! In fact, I've been steadily gaining for the last few. 

This is so frustrating because it kills my motivation and makes it that much more difficult for me to stay on plan when people around me are eating different things. I'm living with one girl who is also on Dukan now, and one who is not, so it makes for an interesting variety of foods that are around the house. I'm really just missing the elation at getting some losses and watching the trend go steadily downward.

My typical daily meals consist of low-sodium turkey, chicken/turkey/salmon burgers from Costco, chicken meatballs, steak, salmon, and mainly bell peppers as a vegetable. I try to keep my sodium to a minimum, but I probably haven't been as stellar about my water intake (still!) as I should be. I've also recently begun taking fiber in the mornings in pill-form to help out with my constipation issues, but I'm still kinda waiting for that to work =/.

Today I finally just decided to have a veggie day as a bunch of my friends and I were going out to eat after the football game and I wanted a little more variety. I had grilled zucchini, steamed broccoli, and a steak without the sauce, so I feel pretty good about my choices. There's just no way for me to know the sodium content or anything like that, so I'm half scared that the scale will be cruel once again in the morning...

Help! Have any of you had incredibly long plateau's? And what have you guys done that has been successful for breaking out of them?



  1. Excellent stuff! Thanks for the share, i was excited this post, absolutely perfect!

    Weight Gain

  2. I have had one longish plateau with the scale going up and down and up again and seeing no weight loss really for 10 days. But as long as I was doing everything right and by the book, I figured that it was a "mini-consolidation" my body was doing before getting ready for the next weight loss phase. And that was actually the case for me. Weight loss resumed at a constant speed afterwards.
    Don't give up!
    But I know how frustrating this is!!!

  3. Hey Shaik, thank you I'm glad that you're enjoying my blog!

    Moonday: Hello, thank you for your input! I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who struggles with stuff like this. It has been so frustrating! I hope your loss is going spectacularly :)
