Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 58 (PP)

Today's Weight: 140.0lbs, GAIN of 1.2lbs from yesterday
Total Loss: back to 18.6lbs

Gah! I should know better than to gloat too much, I swear my body and scale can hear it and conspire against me. I think I've mentioned this before, so I'm pretty sure it's becoming a concrete theory. Yeah, that's it. The only explanation I could come up with is that I've been eating lots of eggs lately because it's practically the only thing that my Dad wants to eat lately, (he's on this too and is quite picky about his food choices), and we added some sausage yesterday that we thought was okay but has lots of sodium in it.

Seriously hate fluctuations. I was hoping never to see the 140's again! Oh well, picking up and moving on. Just need to keep eating really well so that I can re-lose those pounds and even more to take me firmly into the 130's. Grrr.

On a bright note, my bestie from my University is coming over tomorrow to go to a concert with me and crash at my place for the night. I'm so excited because the plans were made completely last minute and I haven't seen her all summer! I think she's going to be really shocked at my transformation so far and my hair change. Because of this I probably won't be able to post, but I'll be back the next day.

Seriously body, give up and let me lose the weight I need to already...



  1. Hang in there! I have been enjoying your blog. It seems we have been on the Dukan around the same time and our weight loss is neck to neck. I too have had a few days where I wondered what was going on with my body. I have not cheated and been working out like a fiend. Stay strong! Before you know it your going to look back on this and be so proud of your accomplishment.

  2. Hey there, thanks so much for the encouragement! I'm so glad you stop by to keep up with my daily ups and downs, (quite literally), with this way of eating! That's very cool that we're both pretty much on the same track, sounds like you're much better at working out more consistently than I am. I hope that you break through and see some great losses too! So far I haven't had any relief scale-wise yet. Hopefully soon!
