Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day Nine-- What happened?

So, after being elated yesterday after a 1.2 pound loss, today I was brought back to reality. A 0.4 pound gain stared me in the face this morning when I stepped on the scale. My first thought was "oh well of course, I experimented a little yesterday. I actually enjoyed my food so it must be bad for me.." but that really shouldn't be it. I'm staying well within Dukan guidelines so this must just be a water weight thing. I know this logically, but it's just frustrating when I feel like I should see a loss every day as a reward for being good the previous day. Instant gratification is something I've always struggled with, I guess that's why I've found it difficult to stick with any workout routine for very long. My mindset is always "I want results, and I want them yesterday."

On a better note, I tried the brownies again today only using the correct brand of tofu, silken, and pureed them instead of trying to use a mixer. This helped out a ton and made the consistency much better. I also lowered the cooking temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit rather than 420. The result was okay, but I wasn't completely impressed. I suppose I'll search around some other recipes for acceptable desserts!

Completely unrelated, I was out shopping with my mom today and we came across a very attractive guy who was helping us. I got completely flustered and didn't know what to do with myself as I haven't had to deal with something like this in a long time. I even full-fledged blushed for no reason! (There are not very many attractive guys at my University-- a science school is unfortunately not brimming with  very many "manly" men). This also kind of  gave me a kick in the seat for my motivation to lose weight. A thinner me will be getting a lot more attention like that ;)

So yeah, all in all a quiet day. I got a new scale though which also dictates your water weight, which I am excited to try out in the morning. Hoping for better results!


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