Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 6--Disappointments

Well today didn't start off that great. Weighed in this morning and didn't lose anything since yesterday--still a weight of 153.8 pounds. This isn't horrible by any means because at least I didn't gain anything! It was still disappointing though, since I was growing used to watching the scale steadily show my weight decreasing. It has become the mantra that I repeat over and over in my head throughout the day, "If I eat well now, it will show tomorrow!" I can't figure out if this is a result of the Walden Farms products that I'm using, or the fact that I had that intense workout yesterday so maybe my body is freaking out at all of the stress. At any rate, it is what it is and that's still a weight loss of 5 pounds since Monday. Incredible! 

Today was a fairly good eating day. I generally have 2-3 meals throughout the day and today I had shrimp with seasoning and steak strips for breakfast/lunch. For dinner I had two eggs with a lean piece of steak and imagined my "galette" to be a pancake. Breakfast for dinner? Not complaining! This doesn't seem like a ton of food written down, but portion sizes were larger than typical for me and I eat until I am full. I also drank a ton of water today in an attempt to flush the toxins that are causing my muscles to hurt post-workout. Let's hope that makes for a better tomorrow!

On that note, today I have been in the worst workout-related pain ever. My entire body is sore, with my legs having the worst of it. I've been kind of hobbling around the house and staying pretty low-key just because it's so painful to get around. Sitting down, standing up, stairs, even walking is some level of excruciating. I guess that's definitely a sign that strength training class has an impact on your fitness, even though this is a bit extreme in my opinion. Apparently my muscles highly disagreed with my activity yesterday and are now letting me know quite loudly. I'm not sure I have the will-power to ever do a class like that again, although my mentor is pushing for me to attend another one on Tuesday with her buddies. 

I hope the scale has better news for me tomorrow. I could use the extra encouragement and reinforcement of my motivation!


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