Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day Five (Halfway Through Attack Phase!)

Well I made it through the dreaded workout! Before I talk about that though, I want to get down to my weight today. 153.8 pounds. That makes a 0.8 pound loss from yesterday, for a total of 5 pounds lost in about four days! This is incredible. I think it is slowing down a little, since I have had a couple days of decimal weight loss rather than whole pounds dripping off, but hey I’ll take it! I know this pace won’t last for long, but I wish it could. I’d be down to my idea weight in no time! I have five more days left on the “Attack Phase” of this plan and then I can move onto the “Cruise Phase” which incorporates veggies every other day! Never thought I’d be so excited at the prospect of eating veggies again–hellloooooo variety!

Also, I discovered an amazing brand called “Walden Farms” today. They’re alternatives to typical high calorie/carb/fat staples in everyone’s diet (i.e. mayo, BBQ sauce, even pancake syrup!). From what I can tell, they contain trace amounts of calories just because you actually are eating something, but not enough to be put on the label. At any rate,  they’re advertised as “0″ in all the places it matters so I’m psyched to have some variety back at least when dealing with all of the meat! I tried their BBQ sauce tonight and it was very good. Definitely an acceptable substitute, although when I looked up the other products I was interested in online they got very mixed taste reviews. I got the feeling that it is a very much love-it or hate-it brand.

Anyway, about my workout… let’s just say it was intense. My mentor was super helpful in getting me started, even setting up my area before I got there… But this class was no joke. I lasted for the first 25 minutes or so and then had to take a break. This was more than slightly embarrassing because I was the only one to do so, but everyone was really encouraging and after the class a lot of people told me that they hadn’t even made it the first 10-15 minutes through the class! Well that made me feel better. I went back in and worked some more, had to take one more quick break, and then back in to finish up the class. I can already feel my muscles starting to freak out at the abuse I put it through and I’m sure the morning won’t be any better. Ouch. What’s worse, (or better? I’m not sure), my mentor has introduced me to some of her SET/”Body Pump” buddies and they’re expecting me to keep going next week so that they can cheer me on! Ack! What did I get myself into? At least they’re all so nice about it…


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