Join me on my weight loss adventure!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day Eight (Start of Week Two!)

Woo-hoo!! Stepped on the scale today for a 1.2pound loss, putting me at 152.2 pounds. I can't tell you how relieved I was about this, since I was kind of dreading weighing myself. I think I was psyching myself out that restaurants=failure when attempting to lose weight, no matter how good you are about what you order.

Today I tried my first Dukan recipe experiments! One worked great, while the other was a complete failure. I guess I should explain what happened. First of all, I've been craving chocolate like none other, (self-diagnosed chocoholic here!), and I found a recipe for dukan-friendly brownies. Yes! (This can be found on "The Dukaners Forum" online where I just joined!) Anyway, I went out and bought all of the necessary ingredients and started to make them as soon as I got home. I ran into issues though as I tried to mix them all together. It was so clumpy! I tried for a very long time to get the Tofu to blend into the other ingredients but I must have been doing it all wrong because it just wouldn't completely mix. In the end, I think I must have gotten the wrong type of tofu. I did a little more research online and they recommend pureeing SILKEN tofu for desserts and sauces. Good to know for next time... anyway, that wasn't the only issue. The recipe says that you should bake the finished product at 420 degrees Fahrenheit (does that seem a little hot to anyone else?) for 20 minutes. Being a faithful recipe follower, I did what they said and mine turned out almost burnt-tasting and an altogether failure. Bummer! I think I'm going to give this one another try, however I'm going to attempt the different type of tofu and a lower baking temp.

My next experiment was for dinner: meatballs. I also found this recipe on the forum referenced above and decided to give it a try. While I was at the store I had picked up some Walden Farms tomato sauce, so this was a perfect opportunity to test it out. I had to be a little bit creative with this one because I was missing some of the ingredients, but it all turned out okay. I used turkey bacon in place of ham and also (very conservatively) used some low fat parmasan cheese and beef broth base instead of bouillon cubes. They turned out amazingly and were very filling! The sauce turned out kind of a bright red which kind of threw me off, but the taste wasn't bad at all. Let's just hope this truly is Dukan friendly with the scale tomorrow morning! I tried not using any of their products yesterday and ended up with a pretty big loss today, so I suppose what shows up on the scale tomorrow morning will be a big indicator of whether or not these affect my weight loss after all.

Other than my culinary attempts, there wasn't much to report for today. I wasn't as good with my water as I should have been I think. Somehow got distracted with all of the cooking/baking chaos, I suppose. Also, I've decided not to try out that weight lifting class tomorrow with my mentor's buddies. I'm just now starting to have normal function of my body and I really just don't think I can do that to myself again so soon. I think I prefer a more gradual build-up of exercise, not a sink-or-swim type of approach that leaves me practically paralyzed for two days afterward.

Total loss of 6.4 pounds!!! I think I should pinch myself.


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